Resource Download


Video 65: Texture Classification using Wavelet Scattering Transform (with MATLAB Code)
Download texture image databases: Download

Video 64: Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST) for Signals and Images (with MATLAB Code)
Download test images and audio Files: Download

Video 63: Comparison of Threshold Estimation Methods for Wavelet based Denoising of Audio Signals (with MATLAB Code)
Download Audio Files: Download

Video 62: Color Edge Features and DWT based Image Retrieval (Theory and MATLAB Implementation)
Image Database: Download

Video 61: Time Series Prediction using ANFIS (Theory and MATLAB Implementation)


Video 60: ANFIS: Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (Theory and MATLAB Implementation)

Video 59: Understanding Fuzzy Logic Controllers (Theory and MATLAB Implementation)

Video 58: Transform Basics (Concepts of Orthogonal, Bi-orthogonal vectors, Basis functions & Transforms)

Video 57:Rice Grain Quality Assessment using Morphological Image Processing (Offline and Realtime mode)

Test Images: Download

Video 56: Pseudo Coloring (Grayscale image to Color image Conversion)
Test Images: Download

Video 55: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of 1-D Signals

Video 54: Face Recognition using Wavelet Features and PCA (With MATLAB Code)
  1. All Image Database: Download
  2. Test Images for Robustness: Download
Video 53: ECG based Heart Disease Diagnosis using Wavelet Features and Deep CNN (Arrhythmia detection)

Video 52: LTI System Analysis using Python (With Python Code)

Video 51: Solution of State Equations (Homogeneous & Nonhomogeneous) with MATLAB Simulation

Video 50: Introduction to State Space Analysis (Physical Systems Modelling) (With MATLAB Code)

Video 49: LTI System Analyzer using MATLAB GUI (With Code)

Video 48: Denoising of Signals and Images using Wavelet Packet Transform

  1. Test Images: Download 
  2. Test Audio Clips: Download

Video 47: Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) of signals and Images

Video 46: Object Classification using HOG features and ECOC Multi-Class SVM

  1. Image Dataset (Modified): Download (Source: Kaggle)
  2. Distorted Test Images: Download

Video 45: HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) Features (Theory and Implementation using MATLAB and Python)
  1. All Test Images used: Download
Video 44: Walsh-Hadamard Transform (Signal Filtering and Image Compression)

  1. ECG SignalDownload
  2. Lena ImageDownload
  3. Pepper ImageDownload

Video 43: Symmetrical Components Analysis of Unbalanced Three-Phase Vector (Theory and MATLAB Code)

Video 42: Animated 2D and 3D Plots using MATLAB

Video 41: Detecting STOP Traffic Sign using Deep RCNN (Real time and Offline mode)

  1. Test VideoDownload (Source:
  2. Traffic Sign Image DatabaseDownload

Video 40: How to Choose a Right Wavelet and Wavelet Transform? (Understanding Wavelet Properties)

Video 39: Implementing Deep CNN in Python using TensorFlow and Keras (Face Mask Detection Problem)

Video 38: Wavelet Based Robust Spread Spectrum Watermarking of Color Images (With Code)

  1. Test Images and WatermarksDownload
  2. I. J. Cox PaperDownload

Video 37: Hand Gesture Recognition using Basic Image Processing and Device Control in Real Time

Video 36: Wavelet Based Robust Spread Spectrum Watermarking of Grayscale Images

  1. Test Images and WatermarkDownload
  2. I. J. Cox PaperDownload

Video 35: Fourier Series implementation using Symbolic Math's Toolbox of MATLAB

Video 34: Device Control using DTMF signals and MATLAB's App Designer

Video 33: Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using Wavelet Features, CLD and EHD of MPEG-7

  1. Test ImagesDownload
  2. Wang DatabaseDownload
  3. Microsoft Research Database (Reduced)Download

Video 32: Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD) of Mpeg-7 for Image Retrieval

  1. All ImagesDownload
  2. Wang DatabaseDownload

Video 31: Color Layout Descriptor (CLD) of MPEG-7 for Image Retrieval (With MATLAB Code)

Update: During video making, one typo error is introduced in the code of file "findcld.m" at lines 24 and 25. Please update the code as given below.

Old lines:
Cbdct = blockproc(YCbCr(:,:,2),[8 8],dctopCbCr);
Crdct = blockproc(YCbCr(:,:,3),[8 8],dctopCbCr);

Replace old lines with the followings:
Cbdct = blockproc(YCbCr(:,:,2),[8 8],dctop);
Crdct = blockproc(YCbCr(:,:,3),[8 8],dctop);


  1. All ImagesDownload
  2. Flower Image DatabaseDownload

Video 30: Producing Colors with RGB LEDs using Arduino and MATLAB (With GUI and MATLAB Code)

Video 29: Design and Comparative Performance Analysis of P, I, D, PI, PD & PID Controllers (With MATLAB Code)

Video 28: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of images and Image Filtering (With Example MATLAB Codes)

  1. Lena ImageDownload
  2. Noisy Lena ImageDownload
  3. Mask ImageDownload
  4. Text ImageDownload (Source: DIP by R. C. Gonzalez)

Video 27: Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of Images and Image Compression (Examples with MATLAB codes)

  1. Lena ImageDownload
  2. Peppers Image: Download

Video 26: ECG's QRS Peak Detection and Heart Rate Estimation using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in MATLAB
  1. ECG Test SignalsDownload
Video 25: Image Fusion using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in MATLAB (Restoration, Mixing and Morphing)

  1. All used imagesDownload.
Video 24: ECG Signals Classification using Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) & Deep Neural Network in MATLAB

Video 23: Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) of 1-D Signals using Python and MATLAB (with Scalogram plots)

Video 22: How to Create a Deep Neural Network in MATLAB (Digit Recognition Example)

  1.  Digit Database: Download

Video 21: MNIST Dataset (Digit & Fashion) to PNG/ JPG Images Conversion using MATLAB


Video 20 (Introduction to Deep Learning)

Video 19 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence)

Video 18 (Face Recognition using PCA in MATLAB)

Video 17 (Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for Images and Signals)

Video 16 (Face Detection in Images & Videos and Face Database Creation using MATLAB (With MATLAB Code)
  1. Image 1Download.
  2. Image 2Download.
  3. Image 3Download.
  4. Image 4Download.
Video 15 (WEBCAM and IPCAM Interface with MATLAB (With example MATLAB Code)

Video 14 (Reading Android Sensor’s Data using PYTHON & MATLAB with CSV Read and offline Processing)

Video 13 (Image Denoising using Wavelet Transform in Python)
  1. Lena Image: Download.
  2. Pepper ImageDownload.
Video 12 (Wavelet Transform Analysis of Images using Python)
  1. Image 1 : Download
  2. Lena Image: Download.
  3. Pepper ImageDownload.
Video 11 (Curvelet Transform Analysis and Denoising of Images using MATLAB)
  1. Circle Image : Download
  2. Lena Image: Download.
  3. Pepper ImageDownload.
Video 10 (Wavelet based Denoising of Images using MATLAB)
  1. Lena Image: Download.
  2. Pepper ImageDownload.
Video 9 (Wavelet Transform Analysis of Images using MATLAB and SIMULINK)
  1. Image 1: Download
  2. Lena Image: Download.
  3. Pepper ImageDownload.
Video 8 (Wavelet based Denoising of 1-D Signals using Python)
  1. Noisy Flute Audio: Download
  2. Flute Audio: Download.
Video 7 (Wavelet Transform Analysis of 1-D signals using Python)
  1. Guitar Audio: Download
Video 6 (Wavelet based Denoising of Audio Signals using MATLAB and SIMULINK)

  1. Noisy Flute Audio: Download
  2. Flute Audio: Download.

Video 5 (Introduction to Wavelet Theory and Its Applications)


Video 4 (Audio Signal Processing using SIMULINK)

  1. Speech Audio 1 for filtering: Download. (Source:
  2. Music track for Equalizer: Download.
  3. Speech Audio 2 for Echo: Download
  4. Drum-loop audio for FlangeDownload (Source:
  5. Guitar wav file: Download.
Video 3 (Audio Signal Processing using MATLAB)
  1. Audio used for filteringDownload.
  2. Speech Audio for EchoDownload. (Source:
  3. Drum-loop audio for FlangeDownload (Source:
Video 2 (Audio Signal Recording using SIMULINK)

  1. Audio used: Download.

Video 1 (Audio Signal Recording using MATLAB)

  1. Audio used: Download.